23+ Funny PEPE LE PEW Quotes And Sayings

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We have dozen of Pepe Le Pew Quotes collected just for you. All of the sayings and quotes have cool images below them.

Pepe le Pew, the persistent animated suitor doomed to rejection, made us laugh in childhood. Now that we’re grown up, Pepe is no longer just funny to us. Then when we laugh at his adventures, we have to think hard about Pepe’s words.

They hide the truth about the relations between the sexes that is elusive to us – maybe Pepe le Pew could help us to grasp it at least to some extent. From our movie quotes selection, check Lorax Unless Quote and Spider Man Quotes.

Below you can find our collection of quotes from Pepe Le Pew. Enjoy.

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Pepe Le Pew Sayings And Quotes

pepe le pew quotes

Ah, ma cherie! You are very shy, n’est-ce pas? But it is love at first sight, no

Pepe Le Pew Sayings

Everyone should have a hobby, don’t you think? Mine is making love…You are a girl, I am a boy

Pepe Le Pew Captions

I tell you what. You stop resisting me, and I, I will stop resisting you. When have you had a better offer than that?

funny quote from the cartoon Pepe Le Pew

Le hiss, hiss…I am a snake and you have charmed me, no?

She must resist me because I am irresistible. What are you gonna do?

funny line from cartoons

Do not come wiz me to ze Casbah – we shall make beautiful musicks togezzer right here

Ah, le pussy ferocious. Remove that skunk, that polecat pole from the premises. Avec

Ah, le pussy ferocious. Remove that skunk, that polecat pole from the premises. Avec

funny French quote

Where are you, my little gumbo of chicken ? Your French fried shrimp is sizzling for you

pepe le pew sayings and quotes

Where are you, my little object of art? I am here to collect you

pepe le pew best lines

The game of love is never called on account of darkness, my little midnight snack

Zee cabbage does not run away from zee corn-beef

Zee cabbage does not run away from zee corn-beef

Pepe Le Pew first mate quote

I am ze captain, and you are ze first mate. Promotions will follow quickly!

Quotes From Pepe Le Pew

cartoon pepe le pew quotes

Permit me to introduce myself. I am Pepe Le Pew, your lover

All is love in fair and war caption

All is love in fair and war

Acres and acres of girls!! And they are mine!! All mine!

Acres and acres of girls!! And they are mine!! All mine!

best pepe le pew quotes

Pepe Le Pew knows too much attractiveness is possible

pepe le pew love quotes

I always thought that how am I so attractive. Then Pepe Le Pew said that it was possible

pepe le pew quotes my little

I did not dislike him. It is just that he does not flirts like Pepe Le Pew

funny naval lines

Do what you want to do today because as Pepe Le Pew said, you maybe shipped overseas tomorrow

Pepe Le Pew’s pick-up lines

I am not gonna fail at impressing her. I have learned all Pepe Le Pew’s pick-up lines

You know, most men would get discouraged by now. Fortunately for you, I am not most men

You know, most men would get discouraged by now. Fortunately for you, I am not most men

quotes from Pepe Le Pew

You may call me Streetcar, because of my desire for you

Where have I been all your life caption

Ah, my darling, I love you. Where have I been all your life?

He knows his stuff

His love adventures made us laugh in childhood. Nevertheless, in addition to still making us laugh, Pepe le Pew shows us which “love skills” we should pay attention to in order to be successful in male-female relationships.

Let’s recall some of Pepe’s proven “love methods”:

  • Always ready for love!
  • He falls in love at first sight!
  • Love requires romance!
  • Courtship requires gentle words!
  • Even though he falls in love with the wrong one, he doesn’t give up!
  • Never lose confidence!
  • He is an optimist!
  • Fights for love until his last breath!
  • He thinks he is irresistible!
  • He’s narcissistic!
  • Imposes his opinion!
  • Takes everything that life gives him!
  • He is posing as a savior!
  • He runs away when his love is returned!
  • He asks questions that make us think!

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