20+ Fallout LIBERTY PRIME Quotes
These anti-communist Liberty Prime Quotes are designed to bring you a dose of patriotic inspiration and sweet warmth to your heart.
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Patriotic Liberty Prime Quotes

Democracy will never be defeated

All systems nominal

American will never fall to communist invasion

Probability of mission hindrance: zero percent

Communist detected on American soil. Lethal force engaged

Communism is the very definition of failure

Embrace democracy or you will be eradicated

Primary Targets: any and all Red Chinese invaders

Probability of Chinese victory: Impossible!

Freedom is always worth fighting for
Patriotic Sayings And Quotes

American casualties: unacceptable. Overkill protocols authorized

Aerial incursion by Communist forces cannot succeed

Democracy is the essence of good. Communism, the very definition of evil

Death is a preferable alternative to Communism

Freedom is the sovereign right of every American

Communist threat assessment: Minimal. Scanning defenses…

Initiating directive 7395: destroy all communists!

We will not fear the red menace!

Established stratagem: Inadequate

Communism is a temporary setback on the road to freedom
Who is Liberty Prime?
Basically, he is a giant robot that hates communism and fights for liberty and free America.
His creators are the Brotherhood of Steel. Before he was destroyed by an airstrike, he was hiding in the Citadel. He was restored and repaired by Dr. Madison Li. Need more movie quotes? Check meet joe black quotes from our quotes selection.
It is well known, that Liberty prime has a lot of common with the Transformers leader, Optimus Prime.
Although the game creator Emil Pagliarulo denies this connection, we all can see similarities between the two robots.
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