30+ BAD-ASS Mad Max Quotes From The MOVIE

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Tough Life Mad Max Quotes From The Awesome And Badass Movie. All Of The Quotes Comes With Beautiful Pictures For Easier Social Sharing.

An apocalyptic story based in the farthest reaches of our planet, in a sharp desert landscape where humanity is broken, where almost everyone is fighting for basic necessities of life. In this world, there are two fugitive rebels who can establish order. Visit Scarface movie quotes for extra inspiration.

There is Max, a man of action and a man of few words, seeking his own peace after the loss of his wife and child as a result of the chaos. And Furiosa, a woman of action and a woman who believes her path to survival can be achieved if she crosses the desert back to her childhood homeland.

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Great Mad Max Quotes

mad max fury road quotes

The Deal Was I Wouldn’t Kill You. I Reckon You Got A Bargain, Don’t You?

mad max sayings

I’m Just Here For The Gasoline

badass phrases

If It’s All The Same To You, I’ll Drive That Tanker

lord humungus quotes

I Ain’t Captain Walker. I’m The Guy Who Carries Mr. Dead In His Pocket

mad max sayings

You Know, Hope Is A Mistake. If You Can’t Fix What’s Broken, You’ll, Uhhhh…You’ll Go Insane

immortan joe quotes

Return my treasures to me, and I myself will carry you through the gates of Valhalla. You shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome

rictus erectus quote

I had a baby brother … a little baby brother .. and he was perfect … perfect in every way

immortan joe quotes quote on water

Do not become addicted to water, it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence

Mad Max fury road quotes

nux mad max quotes

If I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die historic on a fury road

max rockatansky sayings

As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy, me, or everyone else

mad max beyond thunderdome quotes

Where must we go… we who wander this Wasteland in search of our better selves?

My world is fire

My name is Max. My world is fire. And blood

mad max phrases

Here they come again… worming their way into the black matter of my brain. I tell myself, they cannot touch me. They are long dead

funny movie phrase

He’s a crazy smeg who eats schlanger

movie quote

I never thought I’d do something as shine as that

Road warrior quotes

bubba zanetti quotes

I’m scared, Fif. You know why? It’s that rat circus out there. I’m beginning to enjoy it

Jimmy the Goose quote

Jimmy the Goose, larger than life and twice as ugly

Meat Truck quote

You better send a Meat Truck. Charlie’s copped a saucepan in the throat

funny movie quote

That scag and his floozie, they’re gonna die

max rockatansky quotes

I just can’t get it clear in my head, Jess. He was so full of living, you know? He ran a franchise on it. Now there’s nothing. And here I am trying to put sense to it, when I know there isn’t any

sci fi phrases

I am the scales of justice! Conductor of the choir of death

great immortan joe quotes

I am your redemer! It is by my hand you will rise from the ashes of this world

Bad Ass Movie Sayings

mad max quotes

I am the one that runs from both the living and the dead. Hunted by scavengers, haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this wasteland, reduced to one instinct: survive

redemption sayings

At least that way we might be able to… together… come across some kind of redemption

decapito quote

Hey head, say bye bye to the neck! Decapito!

furiosa quotes

You wanna get through this? Do as I say. Now pick up what you can and run

valhalla  quotes mad max

I’m the man who grabs the sun, riding to Valhalla

no heroes sayings

They say people don’t believe in heroes anymore. Well damn them! You and me, Max, we’re gonna give them back their heroes

mad max quotes

I think we’ve got some hoon trouble. It’s gonna be alright

Cundalini quote

That there is Cundalini… and Cundalini wants his hand back

Those were all of the Mad Max Quotes that we have prepared. If you liked it, feel free to spread the word on social media. Thank You.

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