30+ Losing A Father Quotes [With Images]

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Quotes About Losing A Father That Are Heartbreaking As Well As Calming. They Will Help You Understand How Famous Writers And Philosophers See The Loss Of A Loved One. Also, All Images Are Shareable. So, Don’t Forget To Spread The Word On Social Media.

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Heart-Breaking Losing A Father Quotes

words of encouragement for loss of father

My Father will always be in my heart… because in there you’re still alive | Jamie Cirello

i lost my father quotes

When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back | Linda Poindexter

losing a father message

I often feel that when someone passes, you now have an angel you can call by name | Oprah Winfrey

message on loss of father

There is no expiration date on the love between a father and his child | Jennifer Williamson

losing a father quotes

Old as she was, she still missed her daddy sometimes | Gloria Naylor

quotes on losing father

It doesn’t matter who my father was; It matters who I remember he was | Anne Sexton

when you lose your dad quotes

If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever | Winnie the Pooh

father lost status

When a great man dies, for years the light he leaves behind him, lies on the paths of men | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Losing Your Father Quotes

comfort quotes for loss of father

Say not in grief ‘he is no more’ but in thankfulness that he was | Hebrew Proverb

sympathy quotes for loss of dad

The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature | Antoine Francois Prevost

lost dad message

I love you every day. And now I will miss you every day | Mitch Albom

i lost my dad today quotes

He didn’t tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it | Clarence Budington Kelland

Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time… It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other | Leo Buscaglia

condolence sayings for loss of father

Death ends a life, not a relationship | Robert Benchley

quotes for losing father

No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear | C.S. Lewis

Loss Of Father Quotes For A Friend

friend lost father quotes

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure | Unknown

words of encouragement after loss of father

Whenever I am missing you, I also remember how fortunate I was that you were in my life. I wouldn’t trade those moments for the world | Cindy Adkins

There are no goodbyes for us by Gandhi

There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart | Gandhi

fathers day quotes for lost dads

The world changes from year to year, our lives from day to day, but the love and memory of you Dad, shall never pass away | Unknown

quotes on losing dad

Daddies don’t just love their children every now and then; it’s a love without end | George Strait

Leo Tolstoy sayings

Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them | Leo Tolstoy

the loss of a dad quotes

He adopted a role called being a father so that his child would have something mythical and infinitely important: a protector | Tom Wolfe

Heartbreaking Phrases And Sayings Below

the loss of your father quotes

Tears shed for another person are not a sign of weakness. They are a sign of a pure heart | José N. Harris

sad quotes for lost father

So it’s true, when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love | E.A. Bucchianeri

message of losing a father

Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice | Charles F. Kettering

quotes for losing dad

The death of my father is probably the biggest thing I ever faced. Daddy and I were best friends | Joel Osteen

encouraging words for loss of a father

It was very hard for all of us. It’s still very hard. The anniversary of his death just passed, and every single one of his friends, still, after all these years… | Eydie Gorme

sympathy quotes for loss of father

I still get a lot of hugs but none of them are as warm as yours. I miss you, dad

words of comfort for loss of father

Every time I place flowers on your grave, I realize how fragrant you made my life

loss of a father message

Dad, as much as a mourning, your death is a celebration because you made my life nothing short of one

No matter how old we are, we are never ready for the death of our father. When it happens, it is not up to us to get over it but to continue living. No one would be happier than them to see our joys, successes, achievements. Find more images on selfish parents quotes.

My dad is gone for 4 years. I thought it would get easier over time, but nothing can fill that gap. I wouldn’t say I still suffer now that he’s gone, I accepted that, but the regret for the lost part of myself and the shared time is always there. I believe those who have been left without parents know what I mean. Only when the parents are gone do we realize how deep and solid that connection is.

Grieving After Death Of Father

I noticed that I went through several stages during this period: one unaware of what exactly had happened; a phase of deep sadness and guilt that I didn’t do enough to help him fight that cancer; and finally the phase of accepting that it is – life! I was never afraid that my parents would die, I consider it a natural course, but I didn’t expect to be without my dad so early and it would be so painful.

I was surprised at how much I experienced his death as a loss of my own identity. When his mom, my grandmother, to whom I was quite attached, also died a year later, I really started to feel like an orphan. On the one hand, it is ungrateful because I have a mother and sister, a wife, and my children, but the two of them formed my earliest backbone of life, the pillars that shaped me. It seemed to me that I now carried all the challenges of the world on my own shoulders.

Coming Out Of Grief

I am writing this whole text because in the period of grief I could not find texts that would help me at all. Death is always talked about a little, written a little, and felt a lot. What I can say today is that it is important to go through all the stages. It saddens me how much grief is tabooed and why people are ashamed to show that they are sad, they hide tears, they are ashamed to cry. The death and loss of a loved one drive us to grief – and we should allow it to be there.


What we know for sure about life is that it is a constant change. There is nothing in this world that will not change one day. Just as all our ancestors ended their life journey here, so will we one day leave this world. More from this topic on quotes about losing a brother.

The grief caused by the death of a parent can also teach us something. If we open our hearts, it can teach us how to love without hesitation, how to spend better and better time with loved ones while we are all here, to make us aware that it is not worth getting angry, arguing…

When our parents are gone, there is no opportunity to say things which we have kept for some other, better times, there is no situation in which we can repair a broken relationship, there is no moment in which we can say I love you.


Dad’s death happened in a very stressful and painful period for me, during which I faced many difficulties. I was mentally, physically, and emotionally broken. Now that I look back I wonder how I just survived it all. The answer is that we really don’t know how strong we are until life confronts us with adversity. But life in us always struggles and gives us strength even when we think we don’t have it anymore.

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